The Essence of Faiths

Whispers from everywhere


The Taoist Life Force

Asian religions do not think of God as a person but rather as the spirit or force which drives the sun and the moon, the wind and the trees, the insects and the cattle and people themselves. This force is One - it is the same force living itself in many different ways.

Most people do not recognise this force within themselves. They are too busy worrying and fretting about the details of making a living, raising a family and looking good in the eyes of their neighbours.

There are two obvious sides to human nature - the more rational side with its words and intellectual ideas, and the more emotional side with its feelings and intuitions. But underlying these is the less obvious force which drives them both. The meditation techniques of the various Asian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism) are designed to help people calm down their hectic thinking so that they can 'know' the God within themselves. This 'knowing' is neither rational nor crudely emotional. As the Tao Te Ching says:

The reality which can be described
Is not the real reality.
Those who know do not speak
Those who speak do not know.
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